Minimal Superstrings and Loop Gas Models
Minimal Supersymmetric CPN Models
Minimal surfaces and Reggeization in the AdS/CFT correspondence
Minimal surfaces in AdS and the eight-gluon scattering amplitude at strong coupling
Minimal surfaces in AdS space and Integrable systems
Minimal Uncertainty in Momentum: The Effects of IR Gravity on Quantum Mechanics
Minimal Unitary Models and The Closed SU(2)-q Invariant Spin Chain
Minimal Unitary Realizations of Exceptional U-duality Groups and Their Subgroups as Quasiconformal Groups
Minimal unitary representation of SO*(8) = SO(6,2) and its SU(2) deformations as massless 6D conformal fields and their supersymmetric extensions
Minimal unitary representation of SU(2,2) and its deformations as massless conformal fields and their supersymmetric extensions
Minimalisation of uncertainty relations in noncommutative quantum mechanics
Minimum Distances in Non-Trivial String Target Spaces
Minimum Length from First Principles
Minimum Length from Quantum Mechanics and Classical General Relativity
Minimum Uncertainty, Coherence and Squeezing in Diffusion Processes, and Stochastic Quantization
Mining Energy from a Black Hole by Strings
Minisuperspace limit of the AdS3 WZNW model
Minisuperspace Models in M-theory
Minisuperspace Quantization of "Bubbling AdS" and Free Fermion Droplets
Minkowski Brane in Asymptotic dS$_5$ Spacetime without Fine-tuning