Large Winding Sector of AdS/CFT
Large-$N$ nonlinear $σ$ models on $R^2\times S^1$
Large-density field theory, viscosity, and "$2k_F$" singularities from string duals
Large-mass behaviour of loop variables in abelian Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory
Large-momentum convergence of Hamiltonian bound-state dynamics of effective fermions in quantum field theory
Large-N analysis of (2+1)-dimensional Thirring model
Large-N Analysis of Three Dimensional Nonlinear Sigma Models
Large-N behavior of the Wilson loops of generalized two-dimensional Yang-Mills theories
Large-N behaviors of the IIB matrix model and the regularized Schild models
Large-N bounds on, and compositeness limit of, gauge and gravitational interactions
Large-N Collective Field Theory Applied to Anyons in Magnetic Fields
Large-N Collective Fields and Holography
Large-n Critical Behavior of O(n)xO(m) Spin Models
Large-n excitations in the ferromagnetic Ising field theory in a small magnetic field: mass spectrum and decay widths
Large-N Expansion as Semiclassical Approximation to the Third-Quantized Theory
Large-N expansion, conformal field theory and renormalization-group flows in three dimensions
Large-N Gauge Theories
Large-N limit and contact terms in unbroken YM_4
Large-N Limit as a Classical Limit: Baryon in Two-Dimensional QCD and Multi-Matrix Models
Large-n Limit of N=2 Supersymmetric Q^n Model in Two Dimensions