Bubbling the Newly Grown Black Ring Hair
Building a "holographic dual" to QCD in the AdS$_5$: instantons and confinement
Building a Better Racetrack
Building a Nest at Tree Level: Classical Metastability and Non-Trivial Vacuum Structure in Supersymmetric Field Theories
Building an AdS/CFT superconductor
Building Blocks of Physical States in a Non-Critical 3-Brane on R*S^3
Building GUTs from strings
Building MSSM Flux Vacua
Building string field theory around non-conformal backgrounds
Building the Full Fermion-Photon Vertex of QED by Imposing Multiplicative Renormalizability of the Schwinger-Dyson Equations for the Fermion and Photon Propagators
Building the Standard Model on a D3-brane
Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement
Bulk and boundary $g_2$ factorized S-matrices
Bulk and Boundary Dynamics in BTZ Black Holes
Bulk and Boundary S Matrices for the SU(N) Chain
Bulk and Brane Decay of a (4+n)-Dimensional Schwarzschild-De-Sitter Black Hole: Scalar Radiation
Bulk and brane gauge propagator on 5d AdS black hole
Bulk and brane radiative effects in gauge theories on orbifolds
Bulk and Transhorizon Measurements in AdS/CFT
Bulk Antisymmetric tensor fields coupled to a dilaton in a Randall-Sundrum model