Bubbles of Nothing in Flux Compactifications
Bubbles on Manifolds with a U(1) Isometry
Bubbles Unbound II: AdS and the Single Bubble
Bubbles Unbound: Bubbles of Nothing Without Kaluza-Klein
Bubbles with an O(3) Symmetric Scalar Field in Curved Spacetime
Bubbling 1/2 BPS Geometries and Penrose Limits
Bubbling 1/2 BPS solutions of minimal six-dimensional supergravity
Bubbling 1/4 BPS solutions in type IIB and supergravity reductions on S^n x S^n
Bubbling AdS and droplet descriptions of BPS geometries in IIB supergravity
Bubbling AdS Black Holes
Bubbling AdS space and 1/2 BPS geometries
Bubbling AdS3
Bubbling Calabi-Yau geometry from matrix models
Bubbling Defect CFT's
Bubbling Geometries for Half BPS Wilson lines
Bubbling Orientifolds
Bubbling solutions, entropy enhancement and the fuzzball proposal
Bubbling Supertubes and Foaming Black Holes
Bubbling Surface Operators And S-Duality
Bubbling the False Vacuum Away