Supersolid phases in the one dimensional extended soft core Bosonic Hubbard model
Supersolid state in fermionic optical lattice systems
Supersolid state of ultracold fermions in an optical lattice
SUPERSTRIPES Self organization of quantum wires in high Tc superconductors
Superstructure, sodium ordering and antiferromagnetism in NaxCoO2 (0.75<x<1.0)
Supersymmetric Mean-Field Theory of t-J Model
Suppressed Andreev Reflection at the Normal-Metal / Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn$_5$ Interface
Suppressed antinodal coherence with a single d-wave superconducting gap leads to two energy scales in underdoped cuprates
Suppressed Superconductivity of the Surface Conduction Layer in Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+x}$ Single Crystals Probed by {\it c}-Axis Tunneling Measurements
Suppression and enhancement of the critical current in multiterminal S/N/S mesoscopic structures
Suppression and restoration of superconductivity in PrBa2Cu3O7
Suppression of $T_c$ by Zn impurity in the electron-type LaFe$_{0.925-y}$Co$_{0.075}$Zn$_y$AsO system
Suppression of $\bbox{T_c}$ in superconducting amorphous wires
Suppression of antiferromagnetic order and orthorhombic distortion in superconducting Ba(Fe0.961Rh0.039)2As2
Suppression of antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in the collapsed tetragonal phase of CaFe2As2
Suppression of critical temperature in Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ with point defects introduced by proton irradiation
Suppression of d-wave superconductivity in the checkerboard Hubbard model
Suppression of diamagnetism in superconducting nanorings by quantum fluctuations
Suppression of dissipation in Nb thin films with triangular antidot arrays by random removal of pinning sites
Suppression of electron-electron repulsion and superconductivity in Ultra Small Carbon Nanotubes