Z$_2$ index theorem for Majorana zero modes in a class D topological superconductor
Zeeman and Orbital Effects of an in-Plane Magnetic Field in Cuprate Superconductors
Zeeman and Orbital Limiting Fields: Separated Spin and Charge Degrees of Freedom in Cuprate Superconductors
Zeeman Coupling and Abnormal Thermal Conductivities in BSCCO Superconductors
Zeeman effects on the impurity-induced resonances in d-wave superconductors
Zeeman Perturbed $^{63}$Cu Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study of the Vortex State of YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-δ}$
Zero Energy Modes and Statistics of Vortices in Spinful Chiral p-Wave Superfluids
Zero modes and anomalies in superconducting strings
Zero modes of two-dimensional chiral p-wave superconductors
Zero temperature phase diagram of a d-wave superconductor with Anderson impurities
Zero Temperature Thermodynamics of Asymmetric Fermi Gases at Unitarity
Zero temperature transition from d-wave superconductor to underdoped regime
Zero vorticity condition in calculation of ground state energy of Josephson junction lattices
Zero-bias anomalies on Sr$_{0.88}$La$_{0.12}$CuO$_2$ thin films
Zero-bias conductance peak split in d-wave superconductors: Derivation of the universal magnetic field dependence
Zero-bias conductance peak splitting due to multiband effect in tunneling spectroscopy
Zero-Bias States and the Mechanism of the Surface d->d+is Transition
Zero-crossing Shapiro steps in focused-ion-beam-tailored high-$T_c$ superconducting microstructures
Zero-Dimensional Superconducting Fluctuations and Fluctuating Diamagnetism in Lead Nanoparticles
Zero-energy Andreev surface bound states in the lattice model