H(T) Phase Diagram in Nb3Sn: A Different Behavior in Single Crystals, Polycristalline Samples and Multifilamentary Wires
H-T phase diagram and the nature of Vortex-glass phase in a quasi two-dimensional superconductor: Sn metal layer sandwiched between graphene sheets
h/e-Periodicity in Superconducting Loops
Haldane Gap and Fractional Oscillations in Gated Josephson Arrays
Half - h/2e - Oscillations of SQUIDs
Half quantum vortex in superfluid $^3$He-A phase in parallel plate geometry
Half quantum vortices and Majorana fermions in triplet superconductors
Half-Integer Flux Quantization in Unconventional Superconductors
Half-integer Shapiro steps at the 0-pi crossover of a ferromagnetic Josephson junction
Half-metallic Antiferromagnet Sheets in Sr4M2O6CrFeAs2 (M=Sc, Cr) and Their Bulk Form
Half-Periodic Josephson Effect in an s-Wave Superconductor - Normal Metal -d-Wave Superconductor Junction
Half-quantum vortex and d-soliton in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$
Half-Skyrmion theory for high-temperature superconductivity
Hall angle in high-T_c cuprates: Anomalous temperature dependence and anisotropic scattering
Hall Anomaly and Vortex-Lattice Melting in Superconducting Single Crystal YBa2Cu3O7-d
Hall coefficient and angle-resolved photoemission in systems with strong pair fluctuations
Hall coefficient and Hc2 in underdoped LaFeAsO0.95F0.05
Hall coefficient in the ground state of stripe-ordered La_2-x_Ba_x_CuO_4_ single crystals
Hall Coefficient of Equilibrium Supercurrents Flowing inside Superconductors
Hall conductance of a pinned vortex lattice in a high magnetic field