U(1)_V x U(1)_A symmetry breaking in superconductivity
U-J Synergy Effect for the High Tc Superconductors
Ubiquitous finite-size scaling features in IV characteristics of various dynamic XY models in two dimensions
Ubiquitous V-shape density of states in mixed state of clean limit type II superconductors; STM experiment and theory
Ugo Fano and Shape Resonances
Ultimate on-chip quantum amplifier
Ultra-efficient Cooling in Ferromagnet-Superconductor Microrefrigerators
Ultra-low dissipation Josephson transistor
Ultra-low phase noise superconducting-cavity stabilised microwave oscillator with application to gravitational radiation detection
Ultra-Low-Power Superconductor Logic
Ultracold atom superfluidity induced by the Feshbach resonance
Ultrafast pump-probe study of phase separation and competing orders in the underdoped (Ba,K)Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ superconductor
Ultrafast transient response and electron-phonon coupling in the iron-pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2
Ultralow-dissipative conductivity by Dirac fermions in BaFe$_2$As$_2$
Ultrasensitive Magnetic Sensors based on Long Josephson Tunnel Junctions - An Alternative to SQUIDs
Ultrasonic Attenuation in Clean d-Wave Superconductors
Ultrasonic attenuation in clean d-wave superconductors
Ultrasonic attenuation in magnetic fields for superconducting states with line nodes in Sr2RuO4
Ultrasonic Attenuation in the Vortex State of d-wave Superconductors
Ultrasound Attenuation in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$: an Angle-Resolved Study of the Superconducting Gap Function