Fabrication of superconducting MgB2 thin films by magnetron co-sputtering on (001) MgO substrates
Fabrication of the iron-based superconducting wire using Fe(Se, Te)
Fabrication process-induced variations of Nb/Al/AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions in superconductor integrated circuits
Fabrication Technology of and Symmetry Breaking in Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Factors affecting the Optimal Design of High-Tc Superconductors - the Pseudogap and Critical Currents
Failure of Scattering Interference in the Pseudogap State of Cuprate Superconductors
Failure of t-J models in describing doping evolution of spectral weight in x-ray scattering, optical and photoemission spectra of the cuprates
Failure of the empirical OCT law in the Bi2Sr2CuO6+d compound
Failure of the Migdal-Eliashberg Theory of Superconductivity in Rb_3C_60
Family tree of perovskite-related superconductors
Fano effect in the $a-b$ plane of Nd$_{1.96}$Ce$_{0.04}$CuO$_{4+y}$: evidence of phonon interaction with a polaronic background
Fano Resonances in High-Tc Superconducting Metamaterial
Fantastic Behavior of High-TC Superconductor Junctions: Tunable Superconductivity
Far infrared thermal spectroscopy of low-Tc and high-Tc superconductor films
Far-from-equilibrium superconductor in fluctuational regime
Far-infrared absorption and the metal-to-insulator transition in hole-doped cuprates
Far-infrared and submillimeter-wave conductivity in electron-doped cuprate La_{2-x}Ce_xCuO_4
Far-infrared c-axis conductivity of flux-grown Y$_{1-x}$Pr$_{x}$Ba$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7}$ single crystals studied by spectral ellipsometry
Far-Infrared Conductivity Measurements of Pair Breaking in Superconducting Nb$_{0.5}$Ti$_{0.5}$N Thin Films Induced by an External Magnetic Field
Far-infrared electrodynamics of superconducting Nb: comparison of theory and experiment