Self-consistent theory of pair distribution functions and effective interactions in quantum Coulomb liquids
Self-consistent treatment of dynamical correlation functions using a spectral representation technique
Self-contained Kondo effect in single molecules
Self-Doping Induced Orbital-Selective Mott Transition in Hg2Ru2O7
Self-doping instability of the Wigner-Mott insulator
Self-duality and long-wavelength behavior of the Landau-level guiding-center structure function, and the shear modulus of fractional quantum Hall fluids
Self-energy and Fermi surface of the 2-dimensional Hubbard model
Self-energy approach to the correlated Kondo-lattice model
Self-energy corrections in an antiferromagnet -- interplay of classical and quantum effects on quasiparticle dispersion
Self-energy corrections to anisotropic Fermi surfaces
Self-energy effects in the Polchinski and Wick-ordered renormalization-group approaches
Self-Energy Effects on the Low- to High-Energy Electronic Structure of SrVO3
Self-energy of a nodal fermion in a d-wave superconductor
Self-energy renormalization around the flux phase in the $t-J$ model: Possible implications in underdoped cuprates
Self-energy-functional approach to systems of correlated electrons
Self-energy-functional approach: Analytical results and the Mott-Hubbard transition
Self-energy-functional theory
Self-energy-functional theory for systems of interacting electrons with disorder
Self-generated electronic heterogeneity and quantum glassiness in the high temperature superconductors
Self-generated locality near a ferromagnetic quantum-critical point