Scaled frequency-dependent transport in the mesoscopically phase-separated colossal magnetoresistive manganite La_{0.625-y}Pr_yCa_{0.375}MnO_3
Scaling Analysis and Application: Phase Diagram of Magnetic Nanorings and Elliptical Nanoparticles
Scaling Analysis in the Numerical Renormalization Group Study of the Sub-Ohmic Spin-Boson Model
Scaling and commensurate-incommensurate crossover for the d=2, z=2 quantum critical point of itinerant antiferromagnets
Scaling and criticality of the Kondo effect in a Luttinger liquid
Scaling and Decoherence in the Out-of-Equilibrium Kondo Model
Scaling and Enhanced Symmetry at the Quantum Critical Point of the Sub-Ohmic Bose-Fermi Kondo Model
Scaling and field-induced crossover of the anomalous Hall effect in SrRuO3
Scaling and universality in the anisotropic Kondo model and the dissipative two-state system
Scaling approach for the time-dependent Kondo model
Scaling approach to itinerant quantum critical points
Scaling behavior in thermoelectric misfit cobalt oxides
Scaling behavior of an Anderson impurity close to the Mott-Anderson transition
Scaling Behavior of Angular Dependent Resistivity in CeCoIn$_5$: Possible Evidence for d-Wave Density Waves
Scaling Behavior of Heavy Fermion Metals
Scaling behavior of impurities in mesoscopic Luttinger liquids
Scaling behavior of the energy gap of spin-1/2 AF-Heisenberg chain in both uniform and staggered fields
Scaling Behavior of the Longitudinal and Transverse Transport in Quasi One-Dimensional Organic Conductors
Scaling Exponents in the Incommensurate Phase of the Sine-Gordon and U(1) Thirring Models
Scaling in the Emergent Behavior of Heavy Electron Materials