Similarity of Fermi Surface in the Hidden Order State and in the Antiferromagnetic State of URu2Si2
Simple Bosonization Solution of the 2-channel Kondo Model: I. Analytical Calculation of Finite-Size Crossover Spectrum
Simple Estimation of X- Trion Binding Energy in Semiconductor Quantum Wells
Simple Exactly Solvable Models of non-Fermi Liquids
Simple exchange-correlation potential with a proper long-range behavior for low-dimensional nanostructures
Simple model for scanning tunneling spectroscopy of noble metal surfaces with adsorbed Kondo impurities
Simple Two-Dimensional Model for the Elastic Origin of Cooperativity among Spin States of Spin-Crossover Complexes
Simplex solid states of SU(N) quantum antiferromagnets
Simplified topological invariants for interacting insulators
Simulated nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in Heisenberg ferrimagnets: Indirect observation of quadratic dispersion relations
Simulating Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems with Tree Tensor Networks
Simulating two- and three-dimensional frustrated quantum systems with string-bond states
Simulation Monte-Carlo du Modèle de Hubbard à deux dimensions
Simulation of Anyons Using Symmetric Tensor Network Algorithms
Simulation of anyons with tensor network algorithms
Simulation of fermionic lattice models in two dimensions with Projected Entangled-Pair States: Next-nearest neighbor Hamiltonians
Simulation of interacting fermions with entanglement renormalization
Simulation of strongly correlated fermions in two spatial dimensions with fermionic Projected Entangled-Pair States
Simulation of two dimensional quantum systems on an infinite lattice revisited: corner transfer matrix for tensor contraction
Simulation of two-dimensional quantum systems using a tree tensor network that exploits the entropic area law