Mott Transition, Compressibility Divergence and P-T Phase Diagram of Layered Organic Superconductors: An Ultrasonic Investigation
Mott Transitions and d-wave Superconductivity in Half-Filled-Band Hubbard Model on Square Lattice with Geometric Frustration
Mott transitions in correlated electron systems with orbital degrees of freedom
Mott Transitions in the 2D Half-Filled Hubbard Model: Correlator Projection Method with Projective Dynamical Mean-Field Approximation
Mott transitions in the multi-orbital systems
Mott transitions in two-orbital Hubbard systems
Mott--Hubbard and Anderson Transitions in Dynamical Mean--Field Theory
Mott--Hubbard transition vs. Anderson localization of correlated, disordered electrons
Mott-Hubbard exciton in the optical conductivity of YTiO3 and SmTiO3
Mott-Hubbard gap closure and structural phase transition in the oxyhalides TiOBr and TiOCl under pressure
Mott-Hubbard Insulator in Infinite Dimensions
Mott-Hubbard insulators for systems with orbital degeneracy
Mott-Hubbard localization in model of electronic subsystem of doped fullerides
Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition at non-integer filling
Mott-Hubbard Metal-Insulator Transition in Paramagnetic V_2O_3: a LDA+DMFT(QMC) Study
Mott-Hubbard quantum criticality in paramagnetic CMR pyrochlores
Mott-Hubbard Transition and Anderson Localization: Generalized Dynamical Mean-Field Theory Approach
Mott-Hubbard transition in infinite dimensions
Mott-Hubbard transition in infinite dimensions
Mott-Hubbard transition of cold atoms in optical lattices