Strongly correlating liquids and their isomorphs
Strongly inelastic granular gases
Strongly localized anharmonic modes in perfect and imperfect crystals
Strongly nonlinear wave dynamics in a chain of polymer coated beads
Strongly nonlinear waves in a chain of Teflon beads
Structural alignment using the generalized Euclidean distance between conformations
Structural and conformational dynamics of supercooled polymer melts: Insights from first-principles theory and simulations
Structural and dynamic properties of SPC/E water
Structural and Dynamical Anomalies of a Gaussian Core Fluid: a Mode Coupling Theory Study
Structural and dynamical features of multiple metastable glassy states in a colloidal system with competing interactions
Structural and dynamical properties of a quasi-one-dimensional classical binary system
Structural and dynamical properties of nanoconfined supercooled water
Structural and morphological investigation of Langmuir-Blodgett SWCNT/behenic acid multilayers
Structural anisotropy of silica hydrogels prepared under magnetic field
Structural anomalies for a three dimensional isotropic core-softened potential
Structural anomalies of fluids: Origins in second and higher coordination shells
Structural Arrangements of Polymers Adsorbed at Nanostrings
Structural arrest in dense star polymer solutions
Structural changes in block copolymer solution under shear flow as determined by nonequilibrium molecular dynamics
Structural changes in block copolymers: coupling of electric field and mobile ions