Stress in frictionless granular material: Adaptive Network Simulations
Stress in planar cellular solids and isostatic granular assemblies: Coarse-graining the constitutive equation
Stress overshoot in a simple yield stress fluid: an extensive study combining rheology and velocimetry
Stress propagation in granular media: Breaking of any constitutive state equation relating local stresses together by a change of boundary conditions
Stress Propagation in Two Dimensional Frictional Granular Matter
Stress Propagation through Frictionless Granular Material
Stress relaxation in a perfect nanocrystal by coherent ejection of lattice layers
Stress Relaxation in Aging Soft Colloidal Glasses
Stress Relaxation in Diblock Copolymers
Stress Relaxation in Entangled Polymer Melts
Stress Relaxation of Entangled Polymer Networks
Stress Relaxation of Near-Critical Gels
Stress response and structural transitions in sheared gyroidal and lamellar amphiphilic mesophases: lattice-Boltzmann simulations
Stress Response in Confined Arrays of Frictional and Frictionless Particles
Stress response inside perturbed particle assemblies
Stress Tensors of Multiparticle Collision Dynamics Fluids
Stress transmission and isostatic states of non-rigid particulate systems
Stress transmission in granular matter
Stress transmission through three-dimensional granular crystals with stacking faults
Stress Transmission through Three-Dimensional Ordered Granular Arrays