Statistical Mechanics of Semiflexible Polymers: Theory and Experiment
Statistical mechanics of semiflexible ribbon polymers
Statistical Mechanics of Splay Flexoelectricity in Nematic Liquid Crystals
Statistical Mechanics of the Fluctuating Lattice Boltzmann Equation
Statistical Mechanics of thermal denaturation of DNA oligomers
Statistical Mechanics of Two-dimensional Foams
Statistical mechanics of two-dimensional turbulence
Statistical Mechanics of Vacancy and Interstitial Strings in Hexagonal Columnar Crystals
Statistical physics of a model binary genetic switch with linear feedback
Statistical physics of cerebral embolization leading to stroke
Statistical Physics of the Jamming Transition: The Search for Simple Models
Statistical Physics of the Yielding Transition in Amorphous Solids
Statistical Properties of a 2D Granular Material Subjected to Cyclic Shear
Statistical properties of contact vectors
Statistical Properties of Interacting Bose Gases in Quasi-2D Harmonic Traps
Statistical theory of elastic constants of cholesteric liquid crystals
Statistical Theory of Force Induced Unzipping of DNA
Statistical thermodynamics of adhesion points in supported membranes
Statistically Locked-in Transport Through Periodic Potential Landscapes
Statistics and Geometrical Picture of Ring Polymer Melts and Solutions