Stability and correlations in dilute two-dimensional boson systems
Stability and Decay Rates of Non-Isotropic Attractive Bose-Einstein Condensates
Stability and dewetting of thin liquid films
Stability and distortions of liquid crystal order in a cell with a heterogeneous substrate
Stability and Dynamics of Crystals and Glasses of Motorized Particles
Stability and interactions of nanocolloids at fluid interfaces: effects of capillary waves and line tensions
Stability and noise in biochemical switches
Stability of a Vortex in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate
Stability of additive-free water-in-oil emulsions
Stability of adhesion clusters under constant force
Stability of Biaxial Nematic Phase for Systems with Variable Molecular Shape Anisotropy
Stability of Biaxial Nematic Phase in Model Bent-Core Systems
Stability of bicontinuous cubic phases in ternary amphiphilic systems with spontaneous curvature
Stability of Bose-Einstein Condensates Confined in Traps
Stability of Colloidal Quasicrystals
Stability of critical bubble in stretched fluid of square-gradient density-functional model with triple-parabolic free energy
Stability of Designed Proteins Against Mutations
Stability of freely falling granular streams
Stability of gap solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Stability of growing vesicles