Spreading of Fluids on Solids Under Pressure: Effect of Slip
Spreading of Latex Particles on a Substrate
Spreading of Non-Newtonian and Newtonian Fluids on a Solid Substrate under Pressure
Spreading with evaporation and condensation in one-component fluids
Spreading, shrinking and fingering instability of polymer films in glow discharge
Spurious velocities in lattice Boltzmann
Square root singularity in the viscosity of neutral colloidal suspensions at large frequencies
Squeezing and temperature measurement in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Squeezing superfluid from a stone: Coupling superfluidity and elasticity in a supersolid
Stabilisation of Emulsions by Trapped Species
Stabilising the Blue Phases
Stability analysis of kinked DNA in $\mathcal{F}(K,τ)$ model
Stability analysis of kinked DNA in WLRC model
Stability analysis of polarized domains
Stability Analysis of Rapid Granular Chute Flows: Formation of Longitudinal Vortices
Stability analysis of the D-dimensional nonlinear Schroedinger equation with trap and two- and three-body interactions
Stability analysis of twist grain boundaries in lamellar phases of block copolymers
Stability and Adsorption Properties of Electrostatic Complexes : Design of Hybrid Nanostructures for Coating Applications
Stability and collapse of a coupled Bose-Einstein condensate
Stability and collapse of a hybrid Bose-Einstein condensate of atoms and molecules