Spin models for orientational ordering of colloidal molecular crystals
Spin polarizability of a trapped superfluid Fermi gas
Spin Probe ESR Signature of Freezing in Water: Is it Global or Local?
Spin Signatures of Photogenerated Radical Anions in Polymer-[70]Fullerene Bulk Heterojunctions: High Frequency Pulsed EPR Spectroscopy
Spin waves in a Bose Ferromagnet
Spin waves in a Bose-condensed atomic spin chain
Spin-1/2 fermions on spin-dependent optical lattices
Spin-boson models for quantum decoherence of electronic excitations of biomolecules and quantum dots in a solvent
Spin-charge separation in ultra-cold quantum gases
Spin-exchange interactions of spin-one bosons in optical lattices: singlet, nematic and dimerized Phases
Spin-lattice NMR relaxation by anomalous translational diffusion
Spin-orbit coupling and Berry phase with ultracold atoms in 2D optical lattices
Spin-rotation interaction in fullerite C60
Spindles and active vortices in a model of confined filament-motor mixtures
Spinning up and down a Boltzmann gas
Spinodal decomposition in polymer mixtures via surface diffusion
Spinodal decomposition of off-critical quenches with a viscous phase using dissipative particle dynamics in two and three spatial dimensions
Spinodal dewetting of thin films with large interfacial slip: implications from the dispersion relation
Spinodal fractionation in a polydisperse square well fluid
Spinodal of supercooled polarizable water