Soft modes and elasticity of nearly isostatic lattices: randomness and dissipation
Soft quasicrystals - Why are they stable?
Soft repulsive mixtures under gravity: brazil-nut effect, depletion bubbles, boundary layering, nonequilibrium shaking
Soft Sphere Packings at Finite Pressure but Unstable to Shear
Soft Spheres Make More Mesophases
Soft Spheres Make More Mesophases
Soft swimming: Exploiting deformable interfaces for low-Reynolds number locomotion
Softening of the stiffness of bottlebrush polymers by mutual interaction
Softness dependence of the Anomalies for the Continuous Shouldered Well potential
Solid domains in lipid vesicles and scars
Solid Friction from stick-slip to pinning and aging
Solid like friction of a polymer chain
Solid or Liquid ? - Kinetically induced phase transition of a confined liquid
Solid-fluid transition in a granular shear flow
Solid-liquid coexistence of polydisperse fluids via simulation
Solid-solid transition of the size-polydisperse hard-sphere system
Solidity of viscous liquids. III. Alpha relaxation
Solidity of viscous liquids. IV. Density fluctuations
Solidity of viscous liquids. V. Long-wavelength dominance of the dynamics
Solitary and shock waves in discrete double power-law materials