Snaking of a fluid in two dimensions
Snell's Law for Shear Zone Refraction in Granular Materials
Soap Froths and Crystal Structures
Sodium Bose-Einstein Condensates in the F=2 State in a Large-volume Optical Trap
Soft and non-soft structural transitions in disordered nematic networks
Soft Capacitors for Wave Energy Harvesting
Soft Condensed Matter (Materia Condensata Soffice)
Soft core fluid in a quenched matrix of soft core particles: A mobile mixture in a model gel
Soft Dissipative Modes in Nematodynamics
Soft effective interactions between weakly charged polyelectrolyte chains
Soft elastic surfaces as a platform for particle self-assembly
Soft elasticity in biaxial smectic and smectic-C elastomers
Soft Elasticity in Nematic Liquid-Crystal Networks
Soft elasticity of RNA gels and negative Poisson ratio
Soft Ellipsoid Model for Gaussian Polymer Chains
Soft Interaction Between Dissolved Dendrimers: Theory and Experiment
Soft Listeria: actin-based propulsion of liquid drops
Soft lubrication
Soft lubrication: the elastohydrodynamics of non-conforming and conforming contacts
Soft matter and fractional mathematics: insights into mesoscopic quantum and time-space structures