Smectic Liquid Crystals in Random Environments
Smectic Order in Double-Twist Cylinders
Smectic ordering in athermal systems of rod-like triblock copolymers
Smectic ordering in liquid crystal - aerosil dispersions I. X-ray scattering
Smectic ordering in liquid crystal - aerosil dispersions II. Scaling analysis
Smectic ordering of parallel hard spherocylinders: An entropy-based Monte Carlo study
Smectic Phases with Cubic Symmetry: The Splay Analog of the Blue Phase
Smectic Polymer Vesicles
Smectic Pores and Defect Cores
Smectic-$A$ elastomers with weak director anchoring
Smectic-A and Smectic-C Phases and Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystal-Aerosil Gels
Smectic-A Free Standing Film of Lennard-Jones Spherocylinder Model
Smectic-C tilt under shear in Smectic-A elastomers
Smectic-glass transition in a liquid crystal cell with a "dirty" substrate
Smectics $A$ and $C$, and the Transition between them, in Uniaxial Disordered Environments
Smectics: Symmetry Breaking, Singularities, and Surfaces
Smoluchowski dynamics and the ergodic-nonergodic transition
Smoothening Transition of a Two-Dimensional Pressurized Polymer Ring
Smoothening Transition of Rough Surfactant Surfaces
Smoothing of sandpile surfaces after intermittent and continuous avalanches: three models in search of an experiment