Slippage of water past superhydrophobic carbon nanotube forests in microchannels
Slippery or sticky ! Control of wrinkling patterns by selective adhesion
Slow and remanent electric polarization of adsorbed BSA layer evidenced by neutron reflection
Slow but complete, two state unfolding/refolding of lysozyme in "tuned" ~6M guanidinium carboxylate solutions
Slow decay of concentration variance due to no-slip walls in chaotic mixing
Slow Drag in 2D Granular Media
Slow dynamics and aging of a confined granular flow
Slow dynamics in a primitive tetrahedral network model
Slow dynamics in an azopolymer molecular layer studied by x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Slow dynamics in gelation phenomena: From chemical gels to colloidal glasses
Slow Dynamics in Glasses
Slow dynamics in random media: Crossover from glass to localization transition
Slow dynamics near glass transitions in thin polymer films
Slow dynamics of a confined supercooled binary mixture: direct space analysis
Slow Dynamics of the High Density Gaussian Core Model
Slow dynamics under gravity: a nonlinear diffusion model
Slow dynamics, aging, and glassy rheology in soft and living matter
Slow dynamics, dynamic heterogeneities, and fragility of supercooled liquids confined in random media
Slow flows of yield stress fluids: complex spatio-temporal behaviour within a simple elasto-plastic model
Slow fluctuations in enhanced Raman scattering and surface roughness relaxation