Tight-binding parameters for charge transfer along DNA
Tightening the knot in phytochrome by single molecule atomic force microscopy
Time & Fitness-Dependent Hamiltonian Biomechanics
Time series model based on global structure of complete genome
Time-Dependent Lagrangian Biomechanics
Time-resolved and time-scale adaptive measures of spike train synchrony
Timing and Counting Precision in the Blowfly Visual System
To the problem of cross-bridge tension in steady muscle shortening and lengthening
To which extend is the "neural code" a metric ?
TOF-SIMS structural characterization of self-assembly monolayer of cytochrome b5 onto gold substrate
Topological effects of data incompleteness of gene regulatory networks
Topological features of proteins from amino acid residue networks
Topological Solitons and Folded Proteins
Topology and energy transport in networks of interacting photosynthetic complexes
Toward a General Understanding of the Scaling Laws in Human and Animal Mobility
Toward a Theory on the Stability of Protein Folding: Challenges for Folding Models
Towards a quantum approach to cell membrane electrodynamics
Towards a unified characterization of phenological phases: fluctuations and correlations with temperature
Towards biology-oriented treatment planning in hadrontherapy
Towards Biosensing Strategies Based on Biochemical Logic Systems