Water at interface with proteins
Water drives peptide conformational transitions
Wave Propagation in Lipid Monolayers
Wave-train induced unpinning of weakly anchored vortices in excitable media
Wavelet Analysis of Blood Pressure Waves in Vasovagal Syncope
Wavelet analysis of corneal endothelial electrical potential difference reveals cyclic operation of the secretory mechanism
Wavelet analysis of epileptic spikes
Weber's Law in Autocatalytic Reaction Networks
Weighted Ensemble Path Sampling for Multiple Reaction Channels
Weighted-Interaction Nestedness Estimator (WINE): A new estimator to calculate over frequency matrices
What are the benefits of bound (protonation) states for the electron-transfer kinetics?
What can we learn about the lipid vesicle structure from the small-angle neutron scattering experiment? (Investigation DMPC vesicle structure by small angle neutron scattering)
What causes a neuron to spike?
What governs the fluidic behavior of water near single DNA molecules at the micro/nano scale
What is special about water as a matrix of life?
What is the optimal anthropoid primate diet?
Where To Go and How To Go: a Theoretical Study of Different Leader Roles in Networked Systems
Why is life so exact?
Winner-take-all selection in a neural system with delayed feedback
Wobbling of What?