Ultrasound vibrations of plant cells membranes: water lift in trees, electrical phenomena
Unbiased simulation of structural transitions in calmodulin
Unbinding of Retinoic Acid from its Receptor Studied by Steered Molecular Dynamics
Understanding disease control: influence of epidemiological and economic factors
Understanding visual map formation through vortex dynamics of spin Hamiltonian models
Undulation instability in a bilayer lipid membrane due to electric field interaction with lipid dipoles
Undulation Instability of Epithelial Tissues
Undulatory Locomotion
Unexpected trends in termite survival
Unfolding mechanism and the free energy landscape of a single stranded DNA i-motif
Unfolding protein with an atomic force microscope: Force-fluctuation induced non-exponential kinetics
Unified Theory of Allometric Scaling
Universal behavior of localization of residue fluctuations in globular proteins
Universal protein fluctuations in populations of microorganisms
Universal Statistical Behavior of Neural Spike Trains
Universality and individuality in a neural code
Unraveling DNA tori under tension
Unstructured intermediate states in single protein force experiments
Untying molecular friction knots
Using nonlocal electrostatics for solvation free energy computations: ions and small molecules