Nano-Biotechnology: Structure and Dynamics of Nanoscale Biosystems
Nano-scale mechanical probing of supported lipid bilayers with atomic force microscopy
Nanomechanical detection of antibiotic-mucopeptide binding in a model for superbug drug resistance
Nanoscale field effect transistor for biomolecular signal amplification
Near-critical fluctuations and cytoskeleton-assisted phase separation lead to subdiffusion in cell membranes
Near-field ablation threshold of cellular samples at mid-IR wavelengths
Near-Infrared Fluorescence Enhanced (NIR-FE) Molecular Imaging of Live Cells on Gold Substrates
Nearly Closed Loops in Biological Systems as Electromagnetic Receptors
Nearsightedness of Electronic Matter and the Size of Viruses
Negative differential thermal resistance induced by ballistic transport
Nematic order by elastic interactions and cellular rigidity sensing
Network Landscape from a Brownian Particle's Perspective
Network modules help the identification of key transport routes, signaling pathways in cellular and other networks
Neural coding of naturalistic motion stimuli
Neural development features: Spatio-temporal development of the Caenorhabditis elegans neuronal network
Neuron as an emotion-modulated combinatorial switch and a model of human and animal learning behavior
Neuron dynamics in the presence of 1/f noise
Neutral Mutations and Punctuated Equilibrium in Evolving Genetic Networks
New mechanism of solution of the $kT$-problem in magnetobiology
New stopping criteria for segmenting DNA sequences