Machines of life: catalogue, stochastic process modeling, probabilistic reverse engineering and the PIs- from Aristotle to Alberts
Macromolecular Dynamics in Red Blood Cells Investigated Using Neutron Spectroscopy
Macromolecular unfolding properties in presence of compatible solutes
Macroscopic dynamics of biological cells interacting via chemotaxis and direct contact
Macroscopic model of self-propelled bacteria swarming with regular reversals
Magnetophoresis of ferrofluid in microchannel system and its nonlinear effect
Manipulating Biopolymer Dynamics by Anisotropic Nanoconfinement
Mapping between the order of thermal denaturation and the shape of the critical line of mechanical unzipping in 1-dimensional DNA models
Mapping the conformations of biological assemblies
Markov analysis of stochastic resonance in a periodically driven integrate-fire neuron
Mass-sensing BioCD Protein Array towards Clinical Application: Prostate Specific Antigen Detection in Patient Sera
Massively parallel single-molecule manipulation using centrifugal force
Master equation of proteins in interaction with implicit or explicit solvent
Material properties of of Caenorhabditis elegans swimming at low Reynolds number
Maternal effects in molecular evolution
Mathematical methods of factorization and a feedback approach for biological systems
Mathematical model for blood flow autoregulation by endothelium-derived relaxing factor
Mathematical Model of DSB formation by Ionizing Radiation
Maximal Sensitive Dependence and the Optimal Path to Epidemic Extinction
Maximally informative dimensions: Analyzing neural responses to natural signals