Theory of periodic swarming of bacteria: application to Proteus mirabilis
Theory on Plasmon Modes of the Cell Membranes
Thermal and mechanical denaturation properties of a DNA model with three sites per nucleotide
Thermal and mechanical properties of a DNA model with solvation barrier
Thermal denaturation of Peyrard-Bishop's DNA model with external force
Thermal Motions of the E. Coli Glucose-Galactose Binding Protein Studied Using Well-Sampled Semi-Atomistic Simulations
Thermal soaring flight of birds and unmanned aerial vehicles
Thermo-mechanic-electrical coupling in phospholipid monolayers near the critical point
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Analysis of Sensitivity Amplification in Biological Signal Transduction
Thermodynamic consequences of molecular crowding in information growth during pre biotic evolution
Thermodynamic model of interaction of small ligands with DNA
Thermodynamic stability of small-world oscillator networks: A case study of proteins
Thermodynamics and dynamics of the formation of spherical lipidic vesicles
Thermodynamics of chemical free energy generation in off-axis hydrothermal vent systems and its consequences for compartmentalization and the emergence of life
Thermodynamics of G.A mispairs in DNA: continuum electrostatic model
Thermodynamics of pharmacological action for electron-accepting compounds on activated or damaged cell in the context of Ling's model of the living cell
Thinking about the brain
Three-Dimensional FDTD Simulation of Biomaterial Exposure to Electromagnetic Nanopulses
Three-dimensional imaging of single nanotube molecule endocytosis on plasmonic substrates
Thymic selection of T-cell receptors as an extreme value problem