Segregation of Polymers in Confined Spaces
Segregation process and phase transition in cyclic predator-prey models with even number of species
Selecting fast folding proteins by their rate of convergence
Selection for Fitness vs. Selection for Robustness in RNA Secondary Structure Folding
Selective Adsorption and Chiral Amplification of Amino Acids in Vermiculite Clay -Implications for the origin of biochirality
Selective pressure on metabolic network structures as measured from the random blind-watchmaker network
Self-adaptive exploration in evolutionary search
Self-assembly in the major ampullate gland of Nephila clavipes
Self-contact and instabilities in the anisotropic growth of elastic membranes
Self-induced spontaneous transport of water molecules through a symmetrical nanochannel by ratchetlike mechanism
Self-learning Multiscale Simulation for Achieving High Accuracy and High Efficiency Simultaneously
Self-organised criticality in base-pair breathing in DNA with a defect
Self-Organized Formation of Retinotopic Projections Between Manifolds of Different Geometries -- Part 3: Spherical Geometries
Self-organizing Approach for Automated Gene Identification in Whole Genomes
Self-Organizing Approach for Finding Borders of DNA Coding Regions
Self-organizing magnetic beads for biomedical applications
Self-propelled particles with fluctuating speed and direction of motion
Self-Propelled Rods near Surfaces
Self-Similarity Limits of Genomic Signatures
Semi-classical statistical approach to Fröhlich condensation theory