Onsager-Machlup action-based path sampling and its combination with replica exchange for diffusive and multiple pathways
Opening of DNA double strands by helicases. Active versus passive opening
Optical Marking of Alcohol Induced Hemoglobin Modification
Optical tweezer for probing erythrocyte membrane deformability
Optimal adaptive performance and delocalization in NK fitness landscapes
Optimal Channel Efficiency in a Sensory Network
Optimal evaluation of single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments
Optimal Mutation Rates in Dynamic Environments
Optimal Mutation Rates on Static Fitness Landscpes
Optimal number of pigments in photosynthetic complexes
Optimal receptor-cluster size determined by intrinsic and extrinsic noise
Optimal strategies for throwing accurately
Optimality of the genetic code with respect to protein stability and amino acid frequencies
Optothermal Molecule Trap
Order parameter prediction from molecular dynamics simulations in proteins
Order parametr for design of proteinlike heteropolymers
Organization of the Bacterial Light-Harvesting Apparatus Rationalized by Exciton Transport Optimization
Origin of Long Lived Coherences in Light-Harvesting Complexes
Oscillations in molecular motor assemblies
Osmotic pressure: resisting or promoting DNA ejection from phage