Self-energy correction to the hyperfine structure splitting of the 1s and 2s states in hydrogenlike ions
Self-Energy Correction to the Two-Photon Decay Width in Hydrogenlike Atoms
Self-energy values for P states in hydrogen and low-Z hydrogenlike ions
Self-Excitation and Feedback Cooling of an Isolated Proton
Self-shielding in O2 - A possible explanation for oxygen isotopic anomalies in meteorites?
Self-sustained oscillations in a Large Magneto-Optical Trap
Semi-Analytic Approach to Higher-Order Corrections in Simple Muonic Bound Systems: Vacuum Polarization, Self-Energy and Radiative-Recoil
Semi-classical Over Barrier Model for low-velocity ion-atom charge exchange processes
Semiclassical approach to the line shape
Semiclassical description of multiphoton processes
Semiclassical description of the kinematically complete experiments
Semiclassical ionization dynamics of the hydrogen molecular ion in an electric field of arbitrary orientation
Semiclassical model for calculating fully differential ionization cross sections of the H$_2$ molecule
Semiclassical perturbation theory for energy levels of planetary atoms
Semiclassical time--dependent propagation in three dimensions: How accurate is it for a Coulomb potential?
Semiempirical gf Values (Kurucz + 1975)
Sensitive Absolute Gravity Gradiometry Using Atom Interferometry
Sensitive frequency-dependence of the carrier-envelope phase effect on bound-bound transition: an interference perspective
Sensitive gravity-gradiometry with atom interferometry: progress towards an improved determination of the gravitational constant
Sensitive imaging of electromagnetic fields with paramagnetic polar molecules