Suppression of inhomogeneous broadening in rf spectroscopy of optically trapped atoms
Suppression of Magnetic State Decoherence Using Ultrafast Optical Pulses
Suppression of molecular decay in ultracold gases without Fermi statistics
Suppression of non-adiabatic losses of molecules from chip-based microtraps
Suppression of power-broadening in strong-coupling photoassociation in the presence of a Feshbach resonance
Suppression of Reabsorption via Modulation of Light
Suppression of reflection from the grid boundary in solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation by split-step technique with fast Fourier transform
Suspension of atoms and gravimetry using a pulsed standing wave
Swan system of C2 (Tanabashi+, 2007)
Swift Highly Charged Ion Channelling
Symmetric eikonal model for projectile-electron excitation and loss in relativistic ion-atom collisions
Symmetry breaking in crossed magnetic and electric fields
Symmetry of carrier-envelope phase difference effects in strong-field, few-cycle ionization of atoms and molecules
Symmetry-Based Selective Femtosecond Coherent Control of Transient Two-Photon Absorption
Sympathetic and swap cooling of trapped ions by cold atoms in a MOT
Sympathetic cooling in a mixture of diamagnetic and paramagnetic atoms
Sympathetic cooling in an optically trapped mixture of alkali and spin-singlet atoms
Sympathetic cooling of $^4$He$^+$ ions in a radiofrequency trap
Sympathetic Cooling of Lithium by Laser-cooled Cesium
Sympathetic Cooling of Mixed Species Two-Ion Crystals for Precision Spectroscopy