Hydrogen and Helium Atoms and Molecules in an Intense Magnetic Field
Hydrogen atom and one-electron molecular systems in a strong magnetic field: are all of them alike?
Hydrogen atom in a magnetic field: The quadrupole moment
Hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields: Phase space topology and torus quantization via periodic orbits
Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexemined by the moment method
Hydrogen atom moving across a strong magnetic field: analytical approximations
Hydrogen atoms in neutron star atmospheres: Analytical approximations for binding energies
Hydrogen Spectroscopy with a Lamb-shift Polarimeter - An Alternative Approach Towards Anti-Hydrogen Spectroscopy Experiments
Hydrogen-deficient Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae: Physical Parameters and Evolution
Hyper-Ramsey Spectroscopy of Optical Clock Transitions
Hyperfine and Zeeman interactions of the $a(1)[^3Σ^+_1]$ state of PbO
Hyperfine anomalies in Gd and Nd
Hyperfine induced $1s2s ^1S_0 \to 1s^2 ^1S_0$ M1 transition of He-like ions
Hyperfine interactions between electrons
Hyperfine Level Splitting for Hydrogen-Like Ions due to Rotation-Spin Coupling
Hyperfine Paschen-Back regime realized in Rb nanocell
Hyperfine Quenching of the $4s4p ^{3}P_{0}$ Level in Zn-like Ions
Hyperfine quenching of the metastable $^3P_{0,2}$ states in divalent atoms
Hyperfine Spectroscopy of Optically Trapped Atoms
Hyperfine spectroscopy using co-propagating pump-probe beams