Degenerate eigenvalues for Hamiltonians with no obvious symmetries
Delay in atomic photoionization
Delayed double ionization as a signature of Hamiltonian chaos
Delbrück scattering in combined Coulomb and laser fields
Delivering pulsed and phase stable light to atoms of an optical clock
Demonstration of a controllable three-dimensional Brownian motor in symmetric potentials
Demonstration of a moving guide based atom interferometer for rotation sensing
Demonstration of a state-insensitive, compensated nanofiber trap
Demonstration of perfect coherence preservation for matter-waves perturbed by a delta-kicked rotor
Demonstration of Turnstiles as a Chaotic Ionization Mechanism in Rydberg Atoms
Dense Atom Clouds in a Holographic Atom Trap
Density dependence of the forbidden lines in Ni-like tungsten
Density functional theory calculation of ground state energy, dipole polarizability and hyperpolarizability of a confined helium atom
Density functional theory investigation of antiproton-helium collisions
Density Functional Theory Studies of Magnetically Confined Fermi Gas
Density Matrix Functional Calculations for Matter in Strong Magnetic Fields: I. Atomic Properties
Density Operators for Fermions
Dependence of fluorescence-level statistics on bin time size in a few-atom magneto-optical trap
Dependence of Resonant Absorption Linewidth on Atomic Vapour Column Thickness for D1 Line of Cs Atoms Confined in Nano-Cell
Dependence of shake probability on nuclear charge in Li-, Na- and K-like ions