Performance optimization of the BIRS optical system
Performance parameters of TiN electrodes for AMTEC cells
Performance tuned radioisotope thermophotovoltaic space power system
Perhaps the oxygen-poor star M 13 II67 isn't oxygen poor after all
Peridotite composition from the North Atlantic: regional and tectonic variations and implications for partial melting
Perigean Spring Tides and Apogean Neap Tides in History
Perihelion Precession of Mercury
Period Analysis of W Draconis
Period and Light-Curve Study of the Eclipsing Contact Binary SW Lac
Period Change in the Semiregular Variable RU Vulpeculae
Period changes for variables in M28
Period changes in RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster NGC 6934
Period Changes in RV Tauri and SRd Variables
Period Changes in the Eclipsing Binary System V861 Her
Period changes in the pulsating extreme helium stars V652 Her and BX Cir
Period changes of OGLE contact binaries (Kubiak+, 2006)
Period changes of RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M15
Period changes of RR Lyrae variables in M14
Period determination using phase dispersion minimization
Period Estimation in Astronomical Time Series