W 49 A North: J=2-1 Lines of CS and C(18) O
W I branching ratios and oscillator strengths.
W Mass and Width Measurement at LEP
W phase source inversion for moderate to large earthquakes (1990-2010)
W Serpentis stars - A new class of interacting binaries
W-182 and Re(187)-Os-187 systematics of iron meteorites - Chronology for melting, differentiation, and crystallization in asteroids
W3 star-forming region 345 GHz survey (Helmich+ 1997)
Waiting for 21-Lutetia "Rosetta" images as a final proof of structurizing force of inertia-gravity waves
Waiting points in the astrophysical rp process: How unbound are Br69 and Rb73?
Wakefield Acceleration in Relativistic Plasma Flows: Electron Acceleration to Cosmic Ray Energies
Wakes Induced by a Moonlet on an Eccentric Orbit
Walking traverse and scanning DOAS measurements of volcanic gas emission rates
Walls and windows in the molecular Milky Way
Wally Was Right: Predictive Ability of the North Atlantic "Conveyor Belt" Hypothesis for Abrupt Climate Change
Walter Baade at Palomar 1937 - 1958
Walter Baade, Fritz Zwicky, and Rudolph Minkowski's Early Supernova Research, 1927 - 1973
Waltzing by Mathilde: NEAR's first asteroid encounter.
Wandering stars. About planets and exo-planets: an introductory notebook
Wanted: Astrometric and Photoelectric Observations of Gamma Virginis and Zeta Herculis
Warm and cold pasta phase in relativistic mean field theory