L and T dwarf stars (Kirkpatrick, 2005)
L and T Dwarfs: Our Ultracool Solar Neighbors
L Chondrite meteorites: A compilation and preliminary analyses
L1340: How Do Intermediate-Mass Stars Impact Their Natal Environment?
L134N Revisited
La calotta polare sud di Mars
La campagna di monitoraggio TLP di Torricelli B e recenti osservazioni di domi lunari
La congiunzione inferiore di Venere del 30 marzo 2001
La formation des systèmes doubles et multiples
La messa a fuoco automatica con FocusMax
La planete Jupiter EN 1981-1982
La rifrazione atmosferica vicino all'orizzonte
La Silla Observatory sky brightness 1978-1988 (Mattila+ 1996)
La Silla-QUEST Variability Survey
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso and the ILIAS Initiative
Laboratory Analogues of Microdiamonds Present in Meteorites
Laboratory Analysis Of Water, Hydrocarbon And Ammonia Ice Mixtures Exposed To High-energy Electron Irradiation
Laboratory and astronomical spectroscopy of C3H2, the first interstellar organic ring
Laboratory and Field Experiments to Better Understand Magnetic Anomalies of Meteorite Impacts
Laboratory and Remote Identification of Hydrothermal Alteration Materials Associated with Sub-Glacial Outflood Surfaces in Iceland