F Ring Objects and Ring History
F-corona-experiment: Requirements for remote sensing of interplanetary dust
F2 peak electron density at Millstone Hill and Hobart: Comparison of theory and measurement at solar maximum
Fabrication and characteristics of nonequilibrium VLWIR detectors with HgTe/CdTe superlattice active regions
Fabrication and measured quality of the MMT primary mirror
Fabrication of bridge-type microcalorimeter arrays with Ti-Au transition-edge-sensors
Fabrication of large secondary mirrors for astronomical telescopes
Fabrication of mirrors for the Magellan Telescopes and the Large Binocular Telescope
Fabry-Perot Absorption Line Spectroscopy of the Galactic Bar
Fabry-Perot H-alpha observations of Galactic H II regions
Fabry-Perot interferometer for geostationary-based observations of tropospheric ozone
Fabry-Perot observations of comet Austin 1989c1=1990 V
Fabry-Perot observations of Comet Halley H2O(+)
Fabry-Perot Observations of Globular Cluster Cores
Face-on disk galaxies photometry. I. (de Jong+, 1994)
Facilitated Diffusion as a Method for Selective Accumulation of Materials from the Primordial Oceans by a Lipid Vesicle Protocell
Facilities for studying IR devices at a low radiative background level
Factors affecting gas analysis of inclusion fluid by quadrupole mass spectrometry
Factors contributing to high δ13C values in Cryogenian limestones of western Mongolia
Factors controlling the concentrations of thirteen rare metals in sea-water