WKB Propagation of Gaussian Wavepackets
WKB to all orders and accuracy of the semiclassical quantization
Wobbling kinks in $φ^4$ theory
Word Processors with Line-Wrap: Cascading, Self-Organized Criticality, Random Walks, Diffusion, Predictability
Worm Structure in Modified Swift-Hohenberg Equation for Electroconvection
Wound-up phase turbulence in the Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
Wronskian solutions to the KdV equation via Bäcklund transformation
Wronskians, Generalized Wronskians and Solutions to the Korteweg-de Vries Equation
Xampling: Analog to Digital at Sub-Nyquist Rates
Yang-Baxter equation for the asymmetric eight-vertex model
Yang-Baxter Maps from the Discrete BKP Equation
Yarkovsky-driven Leakage of Koronis Family Members and the Case of 2953 Vysheslavia
Young Age for the Veritas Asteroid Family Confirmed?
Young diagrams and N-soliton solutions of the KP equation
Zeno effect and stationary flows in nonlinear waveguides with localized dissipation
Zero curvature representation for a new fifth-order integrable system
Zero delay synchronization of chaos in coupled map lattices
Zero Lag Synchronization of Mutually Coupled Lasers in the Presence of Delays
Zero tension Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in (d+1)- Dimensions
Zero-lag long-range synchronization via dynamical relaying