C-Integrability Test for Discrete Equations via Multiple Scale Expansions
Calculation of eigenvalues of a strongly chaotic system using Gaussian wavepacket dynamics
Calculation of renormalized viscosity and resistivity in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Calculation of statistical entropic measures in a model of solids
Calculation of Superdiffusion for the Chirikov-Taylor Model
Calculation of the anomalous exponents in the rapid-change model of passive scalar advection to order $\varepsilon^{3}$
Calibration of the Particle Density in Cellular-Automaton Models for Traffic Flow
CAM-8: A Computer Architecture Based on Cellular Automata
Can a traveling wave connect two unstable states? The case of the nonlocal Fisher equation
Can aerosols be trapped in open flows?
Can anything from Noether's theorem be salvaged for discrete dynamical systems?
Can averaged orbits be used to extract scaling functions?
Can billiard eigenstates be approximated by superpositions of plane waves?
Can chaotic motion be responsible for the formation of spiral arms?
Can one count the shape of a drum?
Can One Hear the Shape of a Graph?
Can power-law scaling and neuronal avalanches arise from stochastic dynamics?
Can Strange Nonchaotic Dynamics be induced through Stochastic Driving?
Can two chaotic systems give rise to order?
Cancer Detection via Determination of Fractal Cell Dimension