Facing Complexity: Prediction vs. Adaptation
Factorization and the Dressing Method for the Gel'fand-Dikii Hierarch
Factorization of Difference Equations by Semiconjugacy with Application to Non-autonomous Linear Equations
Factorization of R-matrix and Baxter Q-operators for generic sl(N) spin chains
Factorization of the current algebra and integrable top-like systems
Factorization of the transfer matrices for the quantum sl(2) spin chains and Baxter equation
Factorization, reduction and embedding in integrable cellular automata
Factorizations and Reductions of Order in Quadratic and other Non-recursive Higher Order Difference Equations
Factorized finite-size Ising model spin matrix elements from Separation of Variables
Failure of feedback as a putative common mechanism of spreading depolarizations in migraine and stroke
Failure of linear control in noisy coupled map lattices
Failure of Parameter Identification Based on Adaptive Synchronization Techniques
Fame Emerges as a Result of Small Memory
Families of Bragg-grating solitons in a cubic-quintic medium
Families of Canonical Transformations by Hamilton-Jacobi-Poincaré equation. Application to Rotational and Orbital Motion
Families of Integrable Equations
Families of line-graphs and their quantization
Families of quai-bi-Hamiltonian systems and separability
Families of solitons in Bragg supergratings
Families of spatial solitons in a two-channel waveguide with the cubic-quintic nonlinearity