Zeno effect and stationary flows in nonlinear waveguides with localized dissipation
Zero curvature representation for a new fifth-order integrable system
Zero delay synchronization of chaos in coupled map lattices
Zero Lag Synchronization of Mutually Coupled Lasers in the Presence of Delays
Zero tension Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in (d+1)- Dimensions
Zero-lag long-range synchronization via dynamical relaying
Zeros of the Jimbo, Miwa, Ueno tau function
Zeta function for the Lyapunov exponent of a product of random matrices
Zeta Function Zeros, Powers of Primes, and Quantum Chaos
Zeta functions with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for exterior domains
Zig-zag instability of an Ising wall in liquid crystals