D-dimensional developed MHD turbulence: Double expansion model
D4-symmetric Maps with Hidden Euclidean Symmetry
Daisy Models: Semi-Poisson statistics and beyond
Darboux Covariant Equations of von Neumann Type and their Generalizations
Darboux points and integrability of homogeneous Hamiltonian systems with three and more degrees of freedom
Darboux points and integrability of homogeneous Hamiltonian systems with three and more degrees of freedom. Nongeneric cases
Darboux Transformation and Exact Solutions in the model of Cylindrically Symmetrical Chiral Field
Darboux transformation and multi-soliton solutions of Two-Boson hierarchy
Darboux Transformation and Variable Separation Approach: the Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equation
Darboux transformation for classical acoustic spectral problem
Darboux transformation for the modified Veselov-Novikov equation
Darboux Transformation for the Non-stationary Shrödinger Equation
Darboux transformation for two component derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Darboux Transformations and solutions for an equation in 2+1 dimensions
Darboux transformations for 5-point and 7-point self-adjoint schemes and an integrable discretization of the 2D Schrodinger operator
Darboux transformations for a 6-point scheme
Darboux transformations for a Bogoyavlenskii equation in 2+1 dimensions
Darboux Transformations for a Lax Integrable System in $2n$-Dimensions
Darboux transformations for a twisted derivation and quasideterminant solutions to the super KdV equation
Darboux transformations for linear operators on two dimensional regular lattices