W-geometry and Isomonodromic Deformations
Wada basins and chaotic invariant sets in the Hénon-Heiles system
Waiting time to (and duration of) parapatric speciation
Wakimoto realization of Drinfeld current for the elliptic quantum algebra $U_{q,p}(sl_3^)$
Wakimoto realization of the elliptic algebra $U_{q,p}(\hat{sl_N})$
Waltzing peakons and compacton pairs in a cross-coupled Camassa-Holm equation
Wandering breathers and self-trapping in weakly coupled nonlinear chains: classical counterpart of macroscopic tunneling quantum dynamics
Warm turbulence in the Boltzmann equation
Washboard Road: The dynamics of granular ripples formed by rolling wheels
Water temperature dependence of single bubble sonoluminescence
Water Waves and Integrability
Wave breaking and the generation of undular bores in an integrable shallow-water system
Wave Chaos in Elastodynamic Cavity Scattering
Wave chaos in the elastic disc
Wave Dynamical Chaos in a Superconducting Three-Dimensional Sinai Billiard
Wave Dynamical Chaos in Superconducting Microwave Cavities
Wave energy localization by self-focusing in large molecular structures: a damped stochastic discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation model
Wave interactions and the analysis of the perturbed Burgers equation
Wave interactions in localizing media - a coin with many faces
Wave localization as a manifestation of ray chaos in underwater acoustics