Tail resonances of FPU q-breathers and their impact on the pathway to equipartition
Tailored mixing inside a translating droplet
Tailoring Phase Space : A Way to Control Hamiltonian Transport
Tailoring the profile and interactions of optical localized structures
Taming a Chaotic Dripping Faucet via a Global Bifurcation
Taming chaos by impurities in two-dimensional oscillator arrays
Tangent Bifurcation of Band Edge Plane Waves, Dynamical Symmetry Breaking and Vibrational Localization
Targetability of chaotic sets with small parameter perturbations
Targeted mixing in an array of alternating vortices
Targeting and control in simple dynamical systems
Targetting Chaos through Adaptive Control
Tau Functions and Virasoro Symmetries for Drinfeld-Sokolov Hierarchies
Tau-functions and special solutions in a coupled Painlevé system
Taylor Series for Adomian Decomposition Method
Teardrop and heart orbits of a swinging Atwood's Machine
Telegraph-type versus diffusion-type models of turbulent relative dispersion
Temperature correlators in the two-component one-dimensional gas
Temperature measurement in the convective and segregated vibrated bed of powder : A numerical study
Temperature spectra in shear flow and thermal convection
Temperature-resonant cyclotron spectra in confined geometries