1+1 spectral problems arising from the Manakov-Santini system
1/f noise and multifractality in atmospheric-CO2 records
1/f noise from nonlinear stochastic differential equations
1/f noise in the Two-Body Random Ensemble
1D spirals: is multi stability essential?
2+1 KdV(N) Equations
2-Soliton-solution of the Novikov-Veselov equation
2-Variable Boolean Operation -- its use in Pattern Formation
2D and 3D Dense-Fluid Shear Flows via Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics. Comparison of Time-and-Space-Averaged Tensor Temperature and Normal Stresses from Doll's, Sllod, and Boundary-Driven Shear Algorithms
2D Quantum Hydrogen Atom in Circularly Polarized Microwaves
2D Toda chain and associated commutator identity
3D BEC Bright Solitons under Transverse Confinement: Analytical Results with the Nonpolynomial Schrodinger Equation
3D chaotic model for sub-grid turbulent dispersion in Large Eddy Simulations
3D Dune Skeleton Model as a Coupled Dynamical System of 2D Cross-Sections
3D symplectic map
3D+1 Parametric Bright Vortex Solitons. Optical Mesons
3D-vortex labyrinths in the near field of solid-state microchip laser
50 Years of Computer Simulation -- a Personal View
A "Cellular Neuronal" Approach to Optimization Problems
A "No-Go" Theorem for the Existence of an Action Principle for Discrete Invertible Dynamical Systems