Response Function of an Irregular Oscillator
Response maxima in modulated turbulence
Response maxima in modulated turbulence Part II: Numerical simulations
Response of a Magneto-Rheological Fluid Damper Subjected to Periodic Forcing in a High Frequency Limit
Response to Comments on "Simple Measure for Complexity"
Response to sub-threshold stimulus is enhanced by spatially heterogeneous activity
Restricted feedback control of one-dimensional maps
Restricted Flows and the Soliton Equation with Self-Consistent Sources
Resummation and the semiclassical theory of spectral statistics
Resummation of classical and semiclassical periodic orbit formulas
Retardation of the onset of yurbulence by minor viscosity contrasts
Retracting fronts induce spatio-temporal intermittency
Return-Map Cryptanalysis Revisited
Reverse Integration for Computing Stationary Points of Unstable Stiff Systems
Reversibility, coarse graining and the chaoticity principle
Reversible Anosov diffeomorphisms and large deviations
Reversible Polynomial Automorphisms of the Plane: the Involutory Case
Reversors and Symmetries for Polynomial Automorphisms of the Plane
Review on 'Integrability of the S-Matrix vs Integrability of the Hamiltonian' by C. Jung and T.H. Seligman
Revisiting the Edge of Chaos: Evolving Cellular Automata to Perform Computations