Marginally Unstable Periodic Orbits in Semiclassical Mushroom Billiards
Market force, ecology and evolution
Markov-chain approach to a process with long-time memory
Markovian solutions of inviscid Burgers equation
Mass Extinction in a Simple Mathematical Biological Model
Mass fluctuations and diffusion in time-dependent random environments
Mass-extinction: Evolution and the effects of external influences on unfit species
Master equation approach to the conjugate pairing rule of Lyapunov spectra for many-particle thermostatted systems
Master Integrals, Superintegrability and Quadratic Algebras
Master Stability Functions for Coupled Near-Identical Dynamical Systems
Master-Slave scheme and controlling chaos in the Braiman and Goldhirsch method
Matched Pulse Propagation in a Three-Level System
Mathematical modeling of pattern formation in sub- and supperdiffusive reaction-diffusion systems
Mathematical Models of Bipolar Disorder
Mathematical Physics of Cellular Automata
Mathematics and Morphogenesis of the City: A Geometrical Approach
Mating Instabilities Lead to Sympatric Speciation
Matricial representation of period doubling cascade
Matrix equations of hydrodynamic type as lower-dimensional reductions of Self-dual type $S$-integrable systems
Matrix Formulation of Hamiltonian Structures of Constrained KP Hierarchy