Hyperelliptic Kleinian functions and applications
Hyperelliptic Loop Solitons with Genus g: Investigations of a Quantized Elastica
Hyperelliptic Solutions of Modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation of Genus g: Essentials of Miura Transformation
Hyperelliptic Theta-Functions and Spectral Methods
Hyperelliptic Theta-Functions and Spectral Methods: KdV and KP solutions
Hypergeometric $τ$ Function of the $q$-Painlevé Systems of Type $(A_2+A_1)^{(1)}$
Hypergeometric $τ$-Functions of the $q$-Painlevé System of Type $E_7^{(1)}$
Hypergeometric Solutions to the q-Painlevé Equation of Type $(A_1+A_1')^{(1)}$
Hypergeometric solutions to the q-Painlevé equation of type $A_4^{(1)}$
Hypergeometric solutions to the q-Painlevé equations
Hypergeometric solutions to ultradiscrete Painleve equations
Hypergeometric tau functions $τ({\bf t},T,{\bf t}^*)$ as $\infty$-soliton tau function in T variables
Hypersensitivity to Perturbations in the Quantum Baker's Map
Hypersensitivity to perturbations of quantum-chaotic wave-packet dynamics
Hyperviscosity, Galerkin truncation and bottlenecks in turbulence
Hypothesis of strong chaos and anomalous diffusion in coupled symplectic maps
Hysteresis in Adiabatic Dynamical Systems: an Introduction
Hysteresis Models of Dynamic Mode Atomic Force Microscopes: Analysis and Identification
Hysteretic clustering in granular gas
Hysteretic nonequilibrium Ising-Bloch transition